Tag Archives: language

Potluck vs. melting pot: a workshop inspired by Hawaii Pidgin English

If you’ve ever tried to learn a foreign languages, or observed how languages are mixing in Berlin’s neighborhoods (“Jalla! Ich bin Görli!”) you are warmly invited to a language workshop inspired by my recent experiences with Hawaii Pidgin English: as part of TONGUE – Participative Art Project on Everyday Language at the Akademie der ZUsammenKUNFT Friday, […]

local time: “Say something in German.”

“Local time” is a new series within the blog about my current transition from Berlin to Honolulu. Still fresh from the plane and caught between time zones, cultures and stages of my life, I find myself reflecting on the past eight years of becoming a local in Berlin and, looking ahead, wondering how I’ll relate to American culture and local ways in […]