In New Haven for City-Wide Open Studios

Open Studios newspaper insert in front of newspaper box

Since June, I’ve been working on graphic design for the 15th anniversary of New Haven’s fantastic City-Wide Open Studios festival. I was telecommuting from Berlin, but now I’m actually in New Haven for the event’s first week. Last night’s opening was packed with great art and artists and afterwards, the nighttime light installations outside, organized by L.A.M.P, were lovely. Today I peeked into some memorable studios in Westville, East Rock, Hamden, and Wooster Square. I’ll share some photos soon.

If you’re anywhere near New Haven, make the trip to meet some artists! Different studios are open every weekend through the 21st:

UPDATE: A few inspiring first impressions from City-Wide Open Studios are up on my Flickr page:

One Response to In New Haven for City-Wide Open Studios

  1. Sarah says:

    Lucky! Hope you had a great trip. I have fond memories of Open Studios…I remember covering the event one year (for the YDN? or the Herald? I can’t remember) and nervously walking into studios and interviewing the artists. What did a little 17-year-old know then?

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